
How it works

Warning! Only use this service if you fully understand the implications of making zone changes dynamically. We are not responsible for changes to your records inadvertently.

This site provides an HTTPS DDNS API required to update A and AAAA records dynamically in your DNSimple account from certain routers.

To send DDNS updates you must first connect to DNSimple and authorize access to your account with OAuth. This will generate a token that you can use to send updates.

Use the token provided as the password and execute requests from your devices over HTTPS. This API mimics the noip API, so if you need to select a specific service provider in your router, select noip and then set the hostname as your fully qualified hostname you want to update and set the server as ddns.horse.

Here is an example using curl: curl -i "https://host/nic/update?hostname=example.com&myip=" -u "accountid:token"

The response will be a 200 if the IP address is successfully updated, or a 4xx or 5xx response otherwise.

This service is brought to you by the team at DNSimple.


Instructions for specitic routers or equipment:


Select noip for Service, enter your full hostname, the username is your DNSimple account ID (log in to DNSimple and browse to your Account - the account ID is the number in the URL), password is the token generated using the connect link above, and Server is host


Instructions for specific NAS or equipment:


Access your NAS with SSH and add the following section to the file at /etc.defaults/ddns_provider.conf:


Save the file and select the ddns.horse provider to set it up. More info here